Mr. Mortgage Lender
John Yurkovich
May 15, 2021
Price Range: $$$
Business Details
Mr. Mortgage Lender
John Yurkovich
May 15, 2021
Price Range: $$$
Business Details
When I was originally brought on to help with the Mr. Mortgage Lender brand most of the website and resources were out of date. Several functions including valuable inquiry forms were broken and the previous logo contained branding from a lender the client was no longer with. The client needed a refresh to the branding including a new color palette, logo, website, and social media content. In conjunction with Burning Wick Studios, I also needed to build a social media marketing campaign that would generate new leads for the company.
Mr. Mortgage Lender saw significant success over the duration of the branding rebuild. A new logo and defined style helped institute a wave of new social media content, which saw the generation of over 450 leads over the course of 8 months. A fully renovated website saw the addition of two new purchasing forms, a mortgage calculator, and listing integration of recently closed homes by the client.